Saturday, 12 October 2019

Top 10 Famous Family Dogs- Companion Dogs

Top 10 Famous Family Dogs- Companion Dogs

Are You Looking For a Family Dog?
Here are the top 10 dog breeds which are famous for companionship. what things make them suitable for a family dog?
Here are few features which should be notable before keeping a dog for family.

·         Temperament;
                                this shows the dogs personality whether it is aggressive or calmer.  A friendly dog is suitable for a family because in family there are children also so a calmer and friendly dog make string bond with family while aggressive dogs are usually preferred for safety purpose.
·        Energy Level;  
                       the kid friendly dog breeds have plenty of energy. They need to able to keep up with kids without exhausting or irritated. Breeds like Retriever or Spaniels are mostly preferred.
·         Size;
            Size is also a notable parameter related top temperament because some dog breeds are larger and are docile while some are shorter and aggressive.
According to above points here are given top 10 Dog Breeds in the World which are famous for their companionship with human.

1.    Golden Retriever; One of the friendliest and most social breeds. They are one of best family dogs. They are great pet, being smart, even tempered, easy to train and friendly.

     This is pack breed and make quickly bond with family members. Proper training, attention and a healthy environment are necessary for dog and your family.

2.    Labrador Retriever; They are known for their natural friendliness, intelligence and gentleness. Labs respond to training quickly and their love for human make them a good choice for families.

     Just make sure that your lab doesn’t get overfeed because that are prone to overeating and weight gain.

3.    Beagle; are medium size energetic and very friendly, this makes them a Great family pet. As a hound they can be stubborn, like Bassets, 

     but they are great active companion for all ages. Making a great choice for a family pet. They are another pack breed and make strong bonds.

4.    Pug; It’s a stock breed having distinct look and personality to match. They are quite a bit active and more playful than most of the dogs. Their size also a positive edge for a family dog specially who live in apartments and smaller homes. 

    They have good learning capacity. They are also good watchdog. This breed craves 
     companionship with human and are happy to follow the owners whatever they are doing. While they enjoy good nap and cuddle session, they do their best to who want to play and stay active.

5.    Bull Dog; The English Bulldog has a sweet, gentle disposition. Predictable and dependable the bulldog is a wonderful family pet and loving to most of children. People oriented as a breed; they actively solicit human attention. 

     They have retained the courage that was originally bred into them for ball baiting that’s make them good watchdog. They can be aggressive to unfamiliar dogs.

6.    Collie; He is family-oriented pet who loves to play with children. When he gets out, he loves to play and run as far and as fast as he can but after entering into house he loves to relax with family. Although he loves to be outside but he is not an outside dog and can be adjusted in smaller apartments as long as he gets proper exercise.

    Its best breed for single person but he will bond with all family members not only     one who feeds them. Collie is known to learn the behavior and characteristics of         each family member. Collie is noted for deep loyalty and nurturing personality.         They are intelligent so its good to train them early in life.
7.    Dachshund; Believe it or not, Dachshund actually makes an excellent watchdog and was bred to exterminate vermin! It is very attached to owner and family, but can be aggressive around unfamiliar children. 

     The daring, adventurous and curious Dachshund is also fond of digging, hunting, chasing game, and tracking by scent.
8.    Bichon Frisé; The small-framed gets along well with children and other animals. Known for its white puffy coat and curious name, the Bichon Frisé is considered an active, easily trained dog. 

     Overall, a wonderful small dog breed for families and individuals alike.
9.    New Foundland; This kindly breed is good-nature with everyone, especially children, though they should be as well-behaved as he is. He is very sociable and needs more companionship than many other breeds

     The AKC Standard says, "Sweetness of temperament is the hallmark of the Newfoundland."
10. Poodle; The temperament of Poodles is often described as alert, intelligent, loyal, trainable, active, and instinctual. They are very smart dogs and can  learn commands and tricks very quickly. Poodles are known to be loyal and quickly make bonds with family.

     They tend to be shy around strangers and rarely act aggressive against strangers.Poodle make an excellent choice for family of all ages and sizes for first time dog owners. They are true family dogs who can play with children all day.
            Author; Dr M Bilal Anwar. He is a Famous Pet Practitioner.
            C.E.O; Pets Care Online
            For further Information visit our You Tube Channel Pets Care Online.



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